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Volkswagen tops the 10 best car ads of 2011
Posted on December 30, 2011 | No CommentsMost car ads are tripe. But occasionally lightning strikes and we get genius. It certainly happened in these spots. Autos -
UAW takes aim at foreign automakers
Posted on December 30, 2011 | No CommentsThe United Auto Workers union is staking its future on the kind of struggle it hasn’t waged since the 1930s: a massive drive to organize hostile factories. Autos -
Traveling across Australia’s Outback by Mercedes-Benz G-Class
Posted on December 29, 2011 | No CommentsFiled under: SUV, Etc., Videos, Mercedes-Benz, Australia, Luxury If you’ve ever taken a good long look at the Mercedes-Benz G-Class and wondered just how tough the leather-lined SUVs are compared to their military-grade counterparts, Inside Line has the answer for you. Corespondent Alistair Weaver joined up with a Mercedes-Benz convoy...